Monday, 23 February 2015

Our Beautiful World - Circle

Each weekend on Saturday and Sunday the agricultural and craft market takes place in Puntagorda, La Palma, Canaries. And as often as possible I head to Puntagorda to buy fresh local and mostly organic produce and to look at all the extraordinary handcrafted items displayed.
In particular the eye catching ceramics from Alke Block make me gasp with excitement. The shapes and even more the colours are stunning, the surface of each piece so smooth inviting you to touch it and to hold it :-)
Petra ... always tempted to buy a piece but resisted so far .... lol

Linked to: Our Beautiful World


Kirsty Vittetoe said...

Oh pretty things, thanks for sharing with us at Our Beautiful World!

Robyn Oliver said...

OOOW I love your photos Petra, the ceramics are gorgeous, colours too - I'd find it hard not to buy as well. Thanks for sharing with OBW, Robyn

Pam said...

They are indeed stunning Petra!! The colours are so vibrant too with all those circles within circles and around circles! ;) I love the top shot with all those smaller 'circles' in macro.

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your lovely comment. There's always a little ping of excitement when I get a new visitor. ♥

Ros Crawford said...

What lovely photos!! Love the colors of the pottery ...Thanks so much for sharing with us at OBW!!


Lovely photos Petra, have you thought about making a paper viewer and placing over the photos and drawing or painting the lines and circles. The colours are very inspiring. Have a GOOD week ahead. With hugs xx